Teachers and students of Hefei IVY Experimental Academy gathered together in the meeting room to celebrate this activity in the afternoon on September 7th.
This activity aims at enhancing parents'understanding of school's work and communication , in order to cooperate better with each other. There was no one absent, all of parents were quite active.
活动由许雯老师主持。 杨校长首先代表学校感谢家长对新建校各项工作的关心与支持。接着向家长们介绍了学校的教育理念、优质师资、办学优势和特色等。介绍了开学一周以来师生的学习与生活,通过视频回眸让家长们对学校有了更为深入的具体了解。杨校指出教育是心的相遇,是真爱的印记。强调秉承着一片赤子之心、爱生之情、高度负责的态度、有教无类,是做好教育之基础。合肥高新常青学校正以蓬勃的姿态发展崛起。站在新学期的起点,杨校长寄语新学期,寄语莘莘学子,寄语每一位心怀壮志的教育人勇敢追梦!
This activity was hosted by Teacher Xuwen. Principal Mrs Yang expressed her sincere appriciation for parents' understanding and support of our newly-established school's work. Mrs Yang then illustrated our school's education philosophy, teaching resources, advantages and features. ect. Besides, we demonstrated students' one-week lives through videos to let parents get a deeper understading of our school. Mrs Yang pointed out that education was about love and she further emphasised that we should keep faith with an innocent heart of a child, we should care for students, be responsible and teach without any discrimination. These are the foundations of a decent education. Hefei IVY experimental academy is rising vigoriously right now. At the begining of the new term, Princial Mrs Yang sent messages to our new term, to studetns and very educators who are brave to chase dreams.
It has been a week since the beginning of the new term. During this week, we have bounded to each other and gained love and happiness. Diverse kinds of courses, Chinese and foreign teachers have made our American-style classes more vivid, interesting letting students know how to learn happily and skillfully. Within such a short time, what have we done and what have we gained?
Within such a quick week, children have experienced so many interesting classes and have get along well with each other harmoniously. Hefei IVY experimental academy is full of love.
Mrs Wang Yitong, the representative of parents, gave us a brief introduction of her child's change and development, which she is very grateful for. Lastly, she deeply expressed her appriciation and blessing to our school.
Thriving youths lead to a thriving nation, strong youths lead to a strong nation....' Children expressed their patriotism with their thrilled voices.
After listening to children's performances, Principal Mrs Yang gave students' new term gifts and her sincere blessing.This ceremony symbolizes that Hefei IVY is ready to go on to a new international way. Hardworking is meant to bring good outcomes. We wish our school a brighter future.